
To order, you need to be logged in to our environment. You can do so by logging in here. If you do not yet have an account, you can apply to become a customer. If you are already a customer and do not yet have a login, you can request a password by clicking here. If none of this works then you can always contact us and together we will find out what is needed to successfully purchase from us.

Viewing products:

If you have successfully logged in then you can browse our catalogue at your leisure and at your own pace. You can start to search by brand or model, also see which bags fit the season and filter for new items. That way you won't miss anything and you will always have a range in your shop that suits your customer's needs.

Fill your basket:

You can add items to your shopping basket to your heart's content. You do this by clicking on the plus or minus sign next to the items you want. If you think you have collected everything, click on the shopping basket to go through it all again to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. Feel free to go back from our catalogue to look further or remove something from your cart if you do change your mind.


All your details are already filled from our systems when you go to checkout. All you have to do is check that everything is correct and we will send the order to the correct address. You can also add a reference or comments to the order. These are reflected in the order documents and can be taken to our logistics department.

With us, you always order on account, so online checkout is not necessary, you will always receive an invoice by e-mail.

If you need product images, we also have a solution for this. You can add the items you are looking for images of to your shopping cart and there our the actions menu choose to download product images.

You can also choose to download the images for each order that has been placed. To do this, go to your account and choose my orders. Then you can choose the download icon to invite all the images of the items from the relevant order at once.